Bicycle crime is a complex challenge to understand and successfully address.

This Design Resource in focusing on "the problem" (green section) and "design responses" (red section)
has tried to make it easier to comprehend the issues quickly.

The Bikeoff Design Resource summarises key facts and debates about crime and crime prevention and locates design responses that are already out there to help designers and providers understand what has already been delivered, what works and what doesn’t (how and why) enabling them to get smart quick about what to consider when creating new designs against bicycle crime.

To respond to the RSA competition, users can draw on the material in the green and red sections. To help make your thinking about crime more rigorous, and to work out practice through user/abuser centred design visualisation and prototyping, we have created two further tools you might find helpful. They can be accessed via our design against crime website as follows:

Model of design and design research and prototyping process by Lorraine Gamman and Adam Thorpe

Key Readings include:

Lorraine Gamman and Adam Thorpe. Less Is More: What Design Against Crime Can Contribute to Sustainability. Presented at Changing The Change, Turin, Italy, July 2008.

Crime frameworks for disciplined design thinking
by Paul Ekblom

About Bike Theft > DAC Get Smart Quick >

©2008 // DESIGN AGAINST CRIME RESEARCH CENTRE // LONDON WC1B 4AP fully funded by the AHRC / EPSRC Designing for the 21st Century Initiative